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Pastoral Care and Counseling

Pastoral care in ACHS is organized to support academic activities and development in the school. Teachers, house masters and house parents are involved in pastoral work.

Our boarding personnel is made up of:

  • -The Principal
  • -The Pastors
  • -Counselors
  • -School Nurses
  • -Hostel Administrator
  • -House Masters
  • -The Patrons and Matron

We recognise that a successful pastoral team is invaluable to the school community, promoting a culture of care and support and demonstrating how our school is caring for the Wholistic needs of all students through the interaction and cooperation of all school based support services. This exemplifies the work at ACHS

Pastoral Activities

The key to the success of our work is in effective communication between the various stakeholders.

The Hostel Administrator oversees and coordinates much of the work in tracking student's progress. The work is varied and may involve a range of staff. Some of our pastoral approaches are listed below:

  • -The Counseling Unit offers a range of support to students and augments the role of other pastoral personnel. Their work can be focused on a whole group, or an individual student.
  • -Each student belongs to one of the School Houses . The Heads of Houses form another group of pastoral personnel. Where the students can interact with Heads of Houses for diverse support needs.
  • -Ensuring a calm and safe environment for all students is at the heart of school life. We have zero tolerance for bullying and other forms of indiscipline; rather we promote a culture of positivism and respect.
  • -The pastoral personnel are constantly trained and their roles reviewed to ensure effectiveness.

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